
Initial Consultation/Treatment
This is an introduction to starting your journey for better skin health . After a diagnostic skin assessment followed by a Detox Mini Facial, A complete at-home skin care regime is prescribe to address your skin’s needs and to prepare the skin for any advanced skin corrective treatments.
Treatment consists of a thorough deep pore cleanse, ozone steam or hot towels, extractions, purifying mask, finishing with a vitamin cream, SPF
PLEASE NOTE: This consultation is compulsory, as we are unable to accommodate further advanced treatments without this appointment.
A pre-paid non-refundable deposit payment is required to secure your appointment
Timeframe: 45mins $99
SWiTCH, Rejuvenation System
Circadia’s signature treatment, is a unique alternative to chemical peels that takes advantage of the skin’s natural repair mechanism helping induce repair with minimal epidermal damage. Unlike most acid based treatments, the SWiTCH System is a leave-on system. This treatment imparts an immediate boost to the look and feel of ageing skin. Treatments can be repeated at regular intervals every 28 days.
Skin type indications:
Aging, Mature
Clients over the age of 37.
Activates the body’s natural repair and renewal system
Initiates increased cell-to-cell communication
Promotes healing and immune defense
Supports increased energy production in dermal and epidermal cells
Brightens skin and reduces pigmentation
Safe and gentle
Little downtime following treatment
Minimum 3-6 treatment commitment to yield results.
Allergy to aspirin or salicylic.
Allergy to citric acid of any kind: oranges, lemons, grapefruit, etc.
Pregnant or trying to become pregnant
Use of Accutane within one year Use of antibiotics (topical or systemic)
Laser surgery within the last 12 weeks
Using glycolic acid, Retin A, or Renova in the last 2 weeks
Timeframe: 50mins $260 (includes post peel care)
Oxygen Facial
What does an Oxygen Facial do for your skin?
Breaks protein Bonds and stimulates Cell Turnover
Lightens and Brightens the Skin
Reduces the appearance of Rosacea and Telangiectasia
Increases Nutrient Transport to the skin
A controlled amount of oxygen is generated at optimal levels on the skin to provide maximum benefits and help to replace the ruddy-look associated with acne, rosacea and telangiectasia, with brighter skin.
The Circadia Oxygen Rx Facial is perfect for acne management thanks to its germicidal action. This oxygen treatment kills acne bacteria (P. acnes), reducing redness and inflammation. This treatment is extremely nourishing and beneficial for all skin types.
This fantastic treatment packs a punch with powerful ingredients, including magnesium peroxide powder, catalase, sodium bicarbonate, and citric acid. Together, they wage war on acne, sun damage, and the flush look that has been the bane of your existence. But fear not; gentle exfoliation and nutrient transport comes to the rescue!
Germicidal action to the skin against acne and rosacea
A skin-lightening agent and sun damage reduction
Increases skin function, nutrient transport, and repair to make skin look better
Decreases erythema/redness
Vaso-constricting of capillaries
Stimulates fibroblasts which create collagen in the skin
Increases new blood vessel formation
Supply of Oxygen that neutralizes free radicals
Allergy to citric acid of any kind: oranges, lemons, grapefruit, etc.
Timeframe: 30mins $175
Add On’s
Enzyme exfoliation 15mins $50
Custom mask 10mins $20
Milia may be found anywhere on the face (such as the cheeks, eyelids, jaw, neck and forehead). They are the primary lesions of acne. The cells tend to clump up or stick together making the process of follicular secretions even more difficult and this mass or impaction is known as a micro-comedone.
In the beginning stages, the impaction is invisible because it is deep down in the follicle. As the impaction grows it becomes visible and looks like a small white seed just under the skin, at this point it is called a Milia.

Skin Tag Removal
Skin tags, also known as acrochordons, are small, soft, benign growths that often appear on the skin's surface. They are typically flesh-colored or slightly darker and are attached to the skin by a small stalk, called a peduncle. Skin tags are common and usually harmless, but they can be annoying or cosmetically undesirable for some people.
Common Characteristics
Size: They can range from a few millimeters to about the size of a pencil eraser.
Location: Commonly found in areas where skin rubs against skin or clothing, such as the neck, armpits, groin, under the breasts, or on eyelids.
Cause: Often associated with friction, genetics, hormonal changes (e.g., during pregnancy), or conditions like obesity and diabetes.
Can Skin Tags Be Treated?
Yes, skin tags can be treated, especially if they cause discomfort or are bothersome. Here are the common methods:
Medical Treatments
Cryotherapy: Freezing the skin tag with liquid nitrogen.
Cauterization: Burning off the skin tag using electrical energy.
Excision: Cutting off the skin tag using sterile scissors or a scalpel.
Ligation: Tying off the base of the skin tag to cut off its blood supply.
When to See a Doctor
If a skin tag changes in appearance, color, or size.
If it causes pain, bleeds, or shows signs of infection.
If you're unsure whether the growth is a skin tag or something more serious.
Always consult a healthcare provider before attempting to remove skin tags at home, especially for tags in sensitive areas like the eyelids.

Blood Spots (Campbell De Morgans)
Also known as a cherry angioma (plural angiomata) it is a vascular blemish where it is not possible to distinguish the individual capillaries. They are most common on the trunk or torso, particularly in the middle-aged and elderly. (Most people over 30 have at least one, with it being even more common in men than women.)
Blood spots are usually simply a spider nevus often found under the eye or on the cheeks. Our skilled highly qualified therapist will be able to remove them. A Fine Needle is placed just under the skin and a small amount of electric current cauterise the dilated capillary. This results in the capillary drying up and eventually disappearing.

Sebaceous Cyst (Steatoma)
A small retention of sebum under the skin that is usually blocked by an overgrowth of surface skin is called a sebaceous cyst. The size of the cyst can vary from a pea to an egg, and the areas most affected are those where there are more sebaceous glands, i.e. face, chest, scalp and back, although sometimes also appearing on the underarm. Cysts may have an open or a closed top and may need medical removal.
They can be excised which is a fairly simple procedure or treated successfully with electrolysis.

Keratosis Pilaris
Keratosis Pilaris is a common harmless skin condition. It causes small hard bumps that may make your skin feel like sandpaper. The bumps are often light-coloured. They usually appear on your upper arms, thighs and buttocks, sometimes with redness or swelling. They can also show up on your face, but that's less common. Many children and teens get it and it usually disappears as they get older.
Cause - Keratosis Pilaris is caused by a buildup of keratin, the protein that protects skin from infections and other harmful things. The buildup forms a plug that blocks the opening of a hair follicle. If you have dry skin you're more likely to have keratosis pilaris. It often affects people with certain skin conditions including eczema (also called atopic dermatitis).

Sebaceous Hyperplasia
Sebaceous Hyperplasia is a common, benign condition of sebaceous glands in adults of middle age or older. They typically appear skin-coloured or yellowish and have a central "pore" or follicular opening. Lesions can be single or multiple. Sabaceous Hyperplasia can be effectively treated with fine-needle electrocautery - a painless procedure.

Acne and Congestion